Inspired by the International Kissing Day 06/07 , we’re delighted to introduce you Ơi’s July special: HÔN (kiss), a refreshing glass of tea with hibiscus flower as main ingredient. Hibiscus carries an ephemeral beauty from tropical land; it represents friendship, hospitality, and joy. Besides charming color and fruity aroma, hibiscus tea has been proven to contain a lot of vitamin C and antioxidants that helps to control hypertension, strengthen immune system, and improve mood.
Hoa Hibiscus, Cam, Táo
Hibiscus Flower, Orange, Apple
Vitamin C, Khoáng Chất, Chất Chóng Lão Hoá
Vitamin C, Minerals, Antioxidants
Kiểm Soát Huyết Áp, Tăng Cường Miễn Dịch, Cải Thiện Tâm Trạng
Control Hypertension, Strengthen Immune system, Improve Mood
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